
Parts & Accessories

Why pay manufacturers’ list price?

As a major O.E.M. Star Cooling Towers receives substantial discounts ranging from 20-50% off component manufacturers’ list prices. We split these O.E.M. discounts with the purchaser, saving you 10 – 25%. STAR can absolutely help you secure the lowest price for your replacement parts!

Drawing from a vast library of construction and mechanical drawings, combined with extensive experience in the industry, Star Cooling Towers is highly qualified to provide you with:

  • The exact replacement part for your cooling tower – regardless of the manufacturer
  • Generic replacement parts for your Marley cooling tower
  • Fast delivery, computerized order entry and scheduling of parts shipments
  • Savings of 10 – 25%

Parts Support Center

Give us a call, shoot a quick email, or submit your questions or parts requirements using our form and a STAR representative will respond promptly via email with prices, availability and product information.

More than 60 years of experience in securing the best prices on parts.

Get personalized help from a STAR Parts Specialist

Our Parts List

  • Lumber & Plywood
  • Fiberglass Fan Stacks
  • Splash Fills
  • Fiberglass Fan Stacks
  • Fiberglass Shapes & Decking
  • Cooling Tower Hardware
  • Flow Control Valves
  • Nozzles & Distribution Piping
  • Drift Eliminators
  • Counterflow & Crossflow Films
  • Generic Marley Replacement Gear
  • Amarillo Cooling Tower Fan Drives
  • Hudson Fan Assemblies & Parts
  • Generic Marley Replacement Gear